Sub Omnibus Terra – That is Latin for ‘under all is the land.’ It was the motto at LaSalle Partners’ Land Group where Greenleaf founder, John Andersen, worked with Greenleaf Board Member Kurt Little. This year on July 22nd, Kurt completed 30 years of service at this global real estate services firm now known as JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle).
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Research results in Indiana show gypsum reduces soluble reactive phosphorus on agricultural lands
Excess nutrients run off fields into waterways where they contribute to toxic algal blooms that threaten public health, as well as eutrophication that harms aquatic life. One best practice that improves soil conditions is the use of calcium sulfate (gypsum) as a soil amendment; it improves nutrient uptake by the plants and reduces loss from the fields into the waterways.
Continue readingGreenleaf Advisors and Partners Present Webinar: “Gypsum as an Agricultural Soil Amendment” to The Nature Conservancy
Greenleaf partners, Dr. Warren Dick of The Ohio State University, Ron Chamberlain of GYPSOIL, and Joe Nester of NesterAg, presented to The Nature Conservancy this week on the use of gypsum as an agricultural soil amendment and its environmental benefits.
Continue readingConfluence Newsletter Invites Greenleaf Article on Healthy Soils for Healthy Waters
Confluence is an electronic newsletter co-produced by the University of Arkansas, University of Wisconsin, and a consortium of twelve Land- Grant Universities in states along the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. The goal of Confluence is to bring you research-based, unbiased information on agricultural practices and efforts to reduce nutrient losses from agriculture to the Gulf of Mexico.
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One climbs a mountain one step at a time… best when roped in with a team of capable fellow climbers. One runs a river one stretch at a time… best when informed by knowledge of the river’s flow history and current conditions.
Continue readingHealthy Soils for Healthy Water conference a success
Monday, September 15, marked the kickoff of the first in a series Healthy Soil for Healthy Water conferences, co-sponsored by Greenleaf Advisors and The Ohio State University. Over 100 representatives of academia, industry, agencies, non-profits and, critically, farmers and agricultural representatives were in attendance for a day of collaborative integration of research and practices.
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Updated May 14, 2015 Calcium Sulfate (gypsum) soil amendment reduces SRP loading by over 50% Nutrient runoff from agricultural fields is one source of pollution that impacts the integrity of our waterways and the quality of our critical water resources. Fertilizers and animal manures are important sources of the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus. These help […]
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Greenleaf Communities, our sister non-profit organization whose mission is to mitigate the environmental causes of human health concerns, hosted a successful Summer 2014 Board Meeting last week. True to Greenleaf’s collaborative approach, we brought together leaders in business, science and policy to share our latest in leading research teams to inform business practices and government policies. We […]
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The Clean Energy Challenge 2014 was hosted by Clean Energy Trust (CET) based in Chicago, IL.
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Our clients continue to advance sustainable solutions to land, water, material, and energy resources with the support of Greenleaf’s consulting and transaction services.
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