Greenleaf Delivers Sustainable Solutions
The Greenleaf team brings together people to deliver sustainable solutions for the productive use of land, water, material and energy resources that sustain us all. Below are a few recent updates on Greenleaf’s work with its clients and partners:
Energy Solutions

North Central College, Naperville, IL
Intelligent Generation has been selected to manage energy storage in association with solar systems for commercial and industrial customers in Illinois to improve their bottom line with clean energy and participation in the wholesale power markets, while providing backup power. IG has also been contracted by Convergence Energy for an intelligent solar and energy storage project at the North Central College Campus in Naperville, IL.

Brian Haug of Continental and Marc Thrum of IG awarded Project of Distinction
Intelligent Generation and Continental Electrical Construction Company won the Midwest project of distinction award at the Solar Power PV Conference in Chicago on November 9th for a 55-kilowatt solar installation, backed up with a 114-kilowatt-hour lithium-ion storage system. Greenleaf represents IG in marketing its energy storage management services to enhance economics and operational performance for real estate owners, solar developers, and investors.
Soil and Water Solutions

Ontario’s Big Trout Bay
Wolfwood Enterprise’s land assemblage in Ontario’s Big Trout Bay has been purchased by Nature Conservancy of Canada to protect natural landscapes, habitats and species unique to Lake Superior’s heritage coast. Greenleaf provided advisory services to Wolfwood Enterprises and the Nature Conservancy of Canada and also assisted in bringing together the philanthropy community that supported this historic transaction.
The Healthy Soils for Healthy Waters Series continues next February 1st at the National Association of Conservation Districts’ Annual Meeting in Denver. Brian Richter, Chief Scientist for the Water Program for The Nature Conservancy and Greenleaf board member, will give the keynote speech. Greenleaf is organizing the fourth in its series of Healthy Soils for Healthy Waters symposia to address whole systems approaches to sustainable management of agricultural lands that impact U.S. waterways.
EP Purification’s water treatment technology is cleaning organic pollutants for several industries (e.g. disinfection of drinking water, treatment of chemical wastewater, disinfection of water for agriculture, extension of food lifetimes, and commercial and institutional laundries) in multiple countries – an impressive start for an early stage company delivering clean, affordable, and safe water services. Greenleaf represents and advises EP Purification in the commercialization of its technology and marketing of its products.
Argonne National Laboratory has received an extension of its funding from the DOE for its agricultural research in Illinois where they study the growth of native grasses in otherwise unproductive farmland to produce bioenergy crops, thereby reducing nutrient pollutant flows into streams and sequestering greenhouse gases in soils. Greenleaf provides communications, development, and outreach for this project.
Agricultural water quality research funded by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has proven effective and is now moving into its second phase to influence agricultural practices in Ohio and Wisconsin, with additional attention to measuring reductions in greenhouse gases. Greenleaf helps to coordinate this research and associated outreach to improve practices that reduce nutrient runoff.

Ohio Project team visiting site in northwest Ohio
The Ohio State University team met with agricultural project partners in northwest Ohio this October to plan the next phase of research in Lake Erie’s Maumee Basin where they will measure improvements to crop yields, reductions to total nutrient loadings in waterways, and greenhouse gas sequestration in soil.
The Greenleaf Advisors and Communities boards met November 15th to review these and other priorities for advancing a healthy and sustainable world. Greenleaf partner Ben Bezark, Certification Manager at Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, presented on their program for advising industries on the sustainable design and materials use in products by providing designers and manufacturers with criteria and requirements for continually improving what products are made of and how they are made.
Greenleaf Communities, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is presently raising funds for our program priorities in 2017 and we would welcome your support; please visit our website or contact us to learn more. One way to contribute at no cost is by selecting Greenleaf Communities as your charitable organization when you shop on Amazon; simply go to
Thank you for your collaboration as we work to Advance a Healthy and Sustainable World.
John A. Andersen, Jr., President
Greenleaf Advisors, LLC – Bridging Enterprises for a Healthy and Sustainable World
Greenleaf Communities, NFP – Applied Research for a Healthy and Sustainable World