G&W Electric Innovative Microgrid Recognized by State and Utility Leaders

On April 15, Bolingbrook, IL based G&W Electric, a leading provider of transmission and distribution system electrical equipment, was recognized by Governor JB Pritzker and Comed utility leadership for its innovative manufacturing campus microgrid. Elements of the G&W Electric microgrid have been incentivized by the state of Illinois through the 2021 Climate and Equitable Jobs […]

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Investing in Our Planet: Earth Day 2022

This year’s Earth Day theme – Invest in Our Planet – calls for bold action; broad innovation; and equitable implementation; which Greenleaf advances through sustainable investment forums, global climate policy, nature-based solutions, renewable energy, and green initiatives in underserved communities. Sustainable Financial Investments: The annual Sustainable Investment Conference returns to Chicago this year on November […]

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Bobby Howard on the Solar Podcast with Tim Montague of Continental Energy Solutions

Bobby Howard spoke on utility scale solar development with Tim Montague of Continental Energy Solutions (CES) on the Solar Podcast. Bobby leads Greenleaf’s energy work assisting clients such as Intelligent Generation with strategic initiatives, business development, and capital fundraising.  He joined Greenleaf Advisors from Invenergy, North America’s largest independent provider of renewable electricity, where he led the […]

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“Distributed energy resources can hide in plain sight in our homes, businesses and communities, but their power is mighty”

FERC Opens Wholesale Markets to Distributed Energy Resources The title quote from Chairman Chatterjee is in reference to the growing influence on the electrical grid of distributed energy resources (DERs), such as rooftop solar, behind-the-meter batteries, and electric vehicles. According to FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the ultimate energy regulatory body in the US), 65-380 […]

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[Board Member News] – EDF and the Illinois Future Energy Jobs Act

The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and its allies last year negotiated major clean-energy legislation – known as the Illinois Future Energy Jobs Act – that will double the state’s energy-efficiency portfolio, sparking some $15-billion of investment in new renewable projects, and target $750 million for clean-energy efforts in low-income communities. These changes – as well as […]

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Environmental Defense Fund and the Future Energy Jobs Bill

Greenleaf advances solar energy through our work with clients such as Intelligent Generation, and environmental partners such as Environmental Defense Fund. Dick Munson is Director of Midwest Clean Energy for EDF and also a Greenleaf board member. He recently wrote this blog on the U.S. states that have supported renewable energy and late last year Dick […]

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Intelligent Generation presents on Environmental Defense Fund Webinar

Jay Marhoefer, CEO and co-founder of Intelligent Generation (a service partner of Greenleaf Advisors) presented on the Environmental Defense Fund Climate Corps’ 3E Webinar series on June 30. The Webinar, entitled “Making Buildings Smarter with Intelligent Energy Technologies”, highlighted the work of IG in their pursuit of commercializing an intelligent operating system for distributing solar […]

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