Greenleaf is advancing a healthy and sustainable world – Winter Update

Greenleaf Advisors LLC and Greenleaf Communities NFP advance a healthy and sustainable world, applying multi-disciplinary science to policy and practices to address climate change, environmental justice, energy, sustainable land use, and freshwater resources.

In 2023 with our partners, we accelerated the transition to a more sustainable world, with the imperative to address climate change central to our work.

Climate adaptation

We investigated climate resilience, clean energy, sustainable transportation, and nature-based solutions domestically and internationally to inform the following regional initiatives:

  • Blacks in Green leads the Sustainable Square Mile and the Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (TCTAC) in EPA Region 5 to help disadvantaged communities and organizations build capacity for environmental health and justice.
  • Discovery Partners Institute (University of Illinois system) and the Clean Energy and Equitable Transportation Solutions Global Center (CLEETS) provide climate change, clean energy, and clean transportation research and share knowledge between the US and the UK.

Formation of a Global Climate Club

Our climate policy work continues, informed by past Presidential advisors Dr. Don Wuebbles, expert atmospheric scientist, and Dr. Roy Wehrle, Senior Economist, with Greenleaf Research Director Dr. Francine van den Brandeler. Their recommendations are informed by Nobel Laureate William Nordhaus’ work and have been shared domestically and internationally over recent years influencing carbon pricing policy discussions.

At COP28 (global climate summit), Germany announced the formation of a Climate Club. Over 30 nations have joined with the goal of placing a price on carbon embedded in industry products to drive down carbon emissions throughout the global economy. Aligned with our recommendations, it will also generate funding to developing countries for transitions to clean energy economies and adaptation to climate change risks.

Decarbonizing energy

The Energy Transition Forum was held in Chicago, co-hosted by Greenleaf for our board member John Jimison and ETF Founder Miriam Maes. International leadership from industry, government, and academia discussed solar, wind, nuclear, storage, policy, and infrastructure challenges and solutions for a timely and responsible transition to a secure, low-carbon, affordable energy future.

The Energy Transition Forum in Chicago

Transitioning to distributed clean energy

Greenleaf is proud to advance clean energy solutions through our engagement with Intelligent Generation, empowering businesses, like G&W Electric Co, Abt Electronics, and Magid, and institutions to engage the clean energy grid.

Promoting emissions data standards

Greenleaf supports and is a member of the Open Footprint Forum enabling tracking, sharing, and reporting of GHG emissions data to investors and stakeholders as they prioritize decarbonization. In November, we convened technology and corporate sustainability leaders and consultants in Chicago to gain input and advance understanding and adoption of the emerging GHG emissions data standard methodology for reporting across the economy.

Climate risk assessment and decision making

Greenleaf Advisors partners with Earth Knowledge, a global planetary intelligence platform that informs climate and nature risk so that corporations, investors, and governments can act to protect their interests and report accordingly. For example, Earth Knowledge has enabled the state of California to manage its fire and water risks with high-resolution predictive modeling. Corporations like Eaton use the intelligence for risk management and reporting climate-related risks to stakeholders.

Greenleaf works at the nexus of climate, land, energy, and water advancing truly sustainable solutions to protect the natural resources that sustain the planet. We respond to requests to address pressing needs that are on mission, applying best known policies and practices gained from our strong board members and partners.

Please see Greenleaf Communities’ goals and accomplishments towards our programmatic activities.

Thank you for supporting Greenleaf with your time, insights, and collaboration as we work together toward a healthy and sustainable world.

Connect with Greenleaf Communities and Greenleaf Advisors on LinkedIn. Tax-deductible donations to Greenleaf Communities, NFP, a 501(c)(3) organization, can be made here. We hope you will consider supporting Greenleaf and our partners.


John A. Andersen, Jr.
Greenleaf Advisors, LLC and Greenleaf Communities, NFP

Bridging Enterprises and Advancing Research for a Healthy and Sustainable World

Posted in climate, Earth Knowledge, Energy, Greenleaf, Intelligent Generation.